- You can pay an order by postal order (e.g. Western Union)
- You can pay an order by any system of internet payment
- Pay in cash in our office, in this case the goods will be 30-35% cheaper
- You can pay an order in non-cash payment to our partners in Europe
- We will ship the goods with European forwarding companies, i.e. UAB "Stalker Group", JSC "Baltic Spedition", UAB "Multitransas".
- We will ship the goods directly to your office (to some European cities, for example Berlin, Warsaw, Vilnius, Klaipeda, Riga, Tallin, Liepaya, Szczecin, Elblag, Olsztyn, Gdansk, Gdynia etc.).
- You can pick up the goods yourself if you come to our office, in this case you will save money on delivery.
Routine of work (+4GMT): from Monday to Friday, 8.00 a.m. till 20.00 p.m., without a dinner break.
In Saturdays, Sundays and holidays the meeting in office or goods shipment is possible ONLY WITH THE PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENT.
Charge for transportation:
- Delivery cost to European forwarding company (for example UAB "Stalker Group", JSC "Baltic Spedition", UAB "Multitransas" and others) is included to the equipment cost.
- Delivery cost to your office in Europe is a subject to agreement.